_____ We've drawn up draft language.
_____ We have met with a political consultant.
______ We have a list of endorsements to target, and a plan on how to get these endorsements.
______ We have a plan for getting the measure on the ballot.
______ We have a plan for how we will get a majority of the votes.
_____ We meet with key supporters and crucial potential endorsers, to discuss and finalize the language. The language appears to have broad consensus. All crucial endorsements are either in, or are at least looking very positive. The recommended language is finalized.
_____ We will now ask the city/county to study the issue. This will take some time. We will be at every meeting of the commission studying the issue, and preferably have "one of our own" on the committee.
_____ While the commission is studying the issue, we have lined up at least the crucial endorsements.
_____ Once the city/county commission has made a positive recommendation, we need to lobby to get it put on the ballot by the city council or county supervisors.
_____ Now we need to line up more endorsements, especially those who send communicate with their members.