California State Flag Californians for
Electoral Reform
PO Box 128, Sacramento, CA 95812
cfer DASH info AT cfer DOT org
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Legislative Action

CfER has had several long-term campaigns for state legislation. Here is a differently organized list that may be more or less up to date.

How to take action

We need your help, and it will make a difference!

Legislative Positions

CfER often advocates for or against other election-related bills.

Reference info

The California Legislative Counsel's website contains up-to-date versions of all bills being considered in the legislature, along with votes and other status information for each bill, and a form that can be used to contact legislators about each bill. The current government and election codes also appear there. Maps of assembly, senate, and house districts are in the Berkeley Statewide Database.

The Assembly and Senate websites can help you find your legislator and the membership of the committees on elections in each body. Because these committees act on behalf of the entire state, it is justified to send letters to any or all committee members. Most of them aren't very familiar with IRV, so contacting them will help!

The California Elections Code is here.

Here are links to the League of Cities, as well as the Association of Counties. The support of these groups would be of great help to any election reform legislation.