It's Time to Make Sure
Every California Voter Is RepresentedWe are a nonpartisan coalition of Californians who believe that all citizens deserve equal and satisfactory representation in government.Join Today Learn More -
Learn About
Ranked Choice VotingFind out how it works, and why it makes for fairer representationLearn about RCV -
Proportional RepresentationPromoting more accurate, balanced representation of the spectrum of political opinionLearn About PR
Better Elections are possible
In fact, they're already happening!
Some California voters are already experiencing the benefits of ranked choice voting such as reduced political polarization, less negative campaigning, and more choice.
On top of that, votes matter more. Every district becomes a swing district, each vote much more important. And it eliminates the problem of gerrymandering and makes voting more representative and fairer.
NOw let's make them happen everywhere.

"Of all the political reforms we might adopt to reduce the polarization and venom in our politics, ranked-choice voting is the most promising and most achievable. ...It’s time to expand its use in California and the nation."
Easy as 1, 2, 3
California voters understand and use RCV.
It can be explained in under 2 minutes, and according to FairVote analysis, voters in California cities with RCV understood it better than they did the state’s Top-Two Primary system.
Instead of electing one representative in a small (and possibly gerrymandered) district, proportional representation uses much larger districts that elect several members at once. These larger districts can more accurately reflect the preferences of voters.