California State Flag Californians for
Electoral Reform
PO Box 128, Sacramento, CA 95812
cfer DASH info AT cfer DOT org
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We are a nonpartisan coalition of Californians who believe that all citizens deserve equal and satisfactory representation in government. We are working to change California's voting methods to realize this vision.

For over 20 years, CfER has led the drive for ranked choice voting for single winner elections (e.g., mayor) and methods of proportional representation for multi-winner elections (e.g., city council).

Introduction: Improving the California RepublicSetting the Record Straight on IRVExplore our website

A quick overview of Instant Runoff Voting (also known as the Alternative Vote or Ranked Choice Voting):

A common form of Proportional Representation -- Mixed-Member Proportional Representation:

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Quote of the day "Reconsider proportional representation. This political system, as opposed to the 'winner-take-all' process, has been effective in countries around the world and more fairly represents the true will of the people." -- Natural Law Party platform, 4/22/97

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