Are you interested in learning more about electoral reform? The videos and readings linked below build on the information throughout this website and are geared toward students of various ages and understanding levels. If you are interested in educational activities for different election systems, as well as additional readings and studies, check out our Educational Activities page.
Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV)
Proportional Representation (PR)
Why Our Current System Is Not Working
Readings – Research and Studies
These are more advanced readings and studies geared towards high school and higher level reading. These explain in more depth the reasons for RCV, proportional representation, and other systems of electoral reform.
How RCV increases voter turnout:

Study on RCV leading to more positive campaigning:

RCV leads to more positive campaigns
Why Independent and third-party candidates fare better with RCV:

Independents and third-party candidates under RCV
Proportional Representation 101:

How Proportional RCV (STV) aids minority groups:

Multi-member districts create more diverse racial representation in government: